Large Antique Pair of Gilt Cranberry Lusters
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"Anna" A Cast Bronze Bust of a Women by Emilio Greco
Pair Antique Candlesticks modelled as Performing Bears
Bronze Sculpture of Spinario or Boy With A Thorn
Art Nouveau Maribou Cigar Cutter By Ignatius Taschner
English Fret-Sawn Polished Steel Fire Fender
Large Oriental Brass Hibachi/Jardiniere
Set of Three Hagenauer Ebonized Bronze Figures of African Hunters
American Art Deco Bronze Surtout de Table
J-B Clesinger "Zingara, Danseuse Napolitaine" Period Bronze
Large Pair of Antique Charles X Style French Bronze Candelabra
Pair of Antique French Louis XV Style Rococo Gilt Bronze Chenets
"Etoile de Matin" French Figural Bronze by Etienne Gaudez, 1845-1902
Pair of Antique Japanese Bronze Urns, Now Mounted as Lamps
Austrian Bronze Bell-Push Modelled as a Grouse
Gilt Bronze Bust of George Washington
Pair of French Louis XV Style Candlesticks, Modelled as Cherubs with Baskets
Pair of Art Deco Bookends in Bronze and Marble, Modelled with Chieftains
Pair of Japanese Bronze Vases
Chiparus Bronze Figure, Girl with Umbrella
Lillian Katznelson Head of a Young Boy Bronze on Marble Base
Japanese Bronze Figure, a Peasant Girl with a Wicker Basket
Aesthetic Movement Tromp L'Oeil Basket
Pair of French Louis XVI Style Gilt Bronze and Crystal Five-Light Girandoles
Grand Tour Bronze of Venus after Giambologna
After the Antique, Grand Tour Bronze of Aristotle
French, Early 20th Century Bronze, David Beheading Goliath
Italian Grand Tour Bronze, Venus Callipygean
Antique French Amusing Bronze Figure of Diogenes, a Desk Set
Henri Etienne Dumaige 1830-1888 Cleopatra before Caesar, bronze
Charles X Figural Ormolu Mantel Clock Depicting Urania
Louis XV Style Bronze Five-Light Girandole Mirror