"Halve Maen", Model of Henry Hudson's Ship
This model of the Halve Maen (Half Moon), was crafted from scratch in the first quarter of the 20th century by L Lavallee. The attention to the exact details of the well-documented original design of the Halve Maen is outstanding. Being almost 100 years old gives a soothing patina to sail, rigging, and the intricate modeling. The famous explorer and navigator "discovered" the Hudson River and Hudson's Bay. (Both had no doubt been noticed by the indigenous inhabitants.)
In 1609, the English captain, Henry Hudson aboard the Half Moon was trying to find a North-West passage to Asia when he discovered a bay into which a river 500 km long drained. After sailing up the river, Hudson took possession in the name of the Dutch government, baptizing it the North or Maurice River in honor of the Prince of Nassau and named later the Hudson River.
Parts of the Rigging were recently restored
Width 26"
Depth 7.5"
Height 26"
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